Saturday, December 8, 2012

Resurrecting Try a Garden for better or for worse!

Hello, People, if there are any!  I believe so wholeheartedly that gardening needs to be part of wherever you are, in whatever humble format you can manage, that I'll go ahead and resurrect this blog by sharing the humble nature of our family's most recent gardening attempts. 

We are in an apartment.  We have a generous raised bed.  We had some tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and basil this year.

But the mint pretty much took over.  Last week I tried to put in some rye and alfalfa for a little bit of green mulching overwintering stuff.  But the cats in the neighborhood keep digging it up to go poop.  And our ex-dog kept running through it.  And I forgot to water it.

Even our fern, Reggie, is only half-alive.

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed that y'all did as much as you did!
    Some quick updates:
    We're excited about the raised beds we've been building. And we got some horse-manure from Peter and Susan's we've been tilling that into the soil to prepare it for the next planting season...we're also making lots of compost w/ our vegetable scraps.
    We've planted up is garlic and onions, i think.
